Daily writing prompt
What strategies do you use to cope with negative feelings?

The best strategy I use to cope with negative feelings? I will tell you that in a while. But, here I am attempting these Prompts again.

While looking for the prompt, I could not find anything relevant. This prompt has nothing to do with FGW. But that’s where people underestimate me.

I can make any topic work the way I want, and if I cannot, then I am not a good blogger.

This prompt is decent, but the responses to this were funny, so I aim to put a decent post under this prompt. You know the reason why I do these prompts, so no need to repeat that.

What are negative feelings?

When we think what negative feelings are, then we talking about several feelings. Like anger, guilt, shame, fear, sadness, anxiety, loneliness, etc.

Now, I need not to define each of them, but we are human and we can feel a lot of things and no-one knows what and when we will feel any of these.

Interestingly, different people may feel differently in different situation, for example, if something makes you sad, it could make others angry, or it could even scare others. You never know what to expect from anything or anyone.

Hey, funny thing is we humans can make others feel these things. We sometimes wish for superpowers, but we have these powers and a misuse of these powers can make others feel negatively.

People won’t behave, but we certainly need strategies or things so that we can use to cope up with these negative feelings.

How to avoid negative feelings

I am a human and I too have feelings. I can have mood swings and I can feel things which are not in my control. I mean, I could say that negative feelings are bad and we should not be angry or sad. But, I won’t be selling you some Self-help book like BS.

Negative feelings are part of the life, we cannot avoid them. If someone is telling you to do this and that, you can try that. You can subside those negative feelings, but you cannot completely leave them.

Even monks are capable of feeling scared, anxious, angry, but they are also capable of not let those negative feelings ruin their day.

We need to first accept that we are angry, sad, or anxious. We should not ignore them. If there’s something that is making you uncomfortable, do something about it. But, don’t expect those feelings to go automatically.

If a person is continuously making you angry or sad, then deal with the person. Even after dealing with them, if it doesn’t change, then you don’t need that person in life.

Similarly, if a place is making you anxious or you are having negative feelings about it. Identify why you feel that way. If it’s something you can fix, then do it. Else, stay away from that place.

You don’t need to accept the situation and leave it as it, because if you do so, you feel keep feeling negative.

How I handle negative feelings

I don’t know why you are interested in reading what I do? I am human; I have negative feelings and they often disturb me a lot.

If a person is the reason for negative feelings, I don’t deal with them. I rather ignore them. For example, if there’s someone who is annoying to me, I start ignoring them. I don’t want them in life and I don’t want to give them freedom to ruin my peace.

In the past, a lot of people made me sad, but the sad part of it, I allowed them to do so. I gave them the ability to do so and for them it was easy to make me sad. Funny thing is, it almost happened again, but this time, I was ready, because I considered myself above from that.

In tough times, books, sleep, workout and food help me a lot.

These are some best way to deal with negative feelings, although it’s not necessary that these will always work. These can help you manage some level of stress, but these don’t guarantee anything.

Music could also help from negative feelings, but we need to remember that these things will reduce the intensity of the negative feelings, but will not completely erase them.

You have to live with negative feelings like I do, but you need to make sure to not let them overrule your life.


We need to understand that negative feelings are part of life. People, places, things can make us feel negative about it. If those feelings are too much, then talking to a professional could be helpful.

Finding the root cause of those negative feelings could help us understand several things. Also, don’t judge yourself. No matter what these gurus are telling you, there’s nothing wrong with having negative feelings.

With that, I end this prompt. I hope WP gives something more based on health and wellness.

If you like my response to the prompt, drop a like and comment and tell me more about it. If you a new reader, then you are welcome to share your thoughts.

Keep smiling

39 responses to “What I do to manage negative feelings”

  1. Negative feelings and thoughts disturb me a lot too …
    I try not to feel it
    I try to be positive most times …

    My strategy is not to expect anything from anyone or anything. So it doesn’t stress me out much or make me feel bad with negative energy …

    See, I’m a human. So I might fail sometimes in applying the strategy. I overcome it by sleeping, being with the people who would cheer me up and telling them whatever I’m feeling and crying my heart out a lot … 😃

    Devang, you’re handsome with positive energy, intelligence, great personality, and unique talent in writing style ….

    Wishing you all the best always

    1. Thanks

      Totally a new information about you being a human 🫣

      1. Ha ha ha 🤣
        I’m laughing out loud

      2. Good to know!!
        Laughing is good for health

      3. Yes! So I’m healthy enough 😃

      4. Yes
        You are fine 🙏🏻😛

      5. Thank you 🥰

  2. What a great post and touching on a very emotive topic. I think it is appropriate for your blog on a couple of counts. As you indicated, we can use exercise and healthy eating as a way of addressing some of those negative feelings but it will depend on circumstances and the causes of the negative emotions, but there are definitely things we can do to support ourselves. My second point is that when thinking about health, being healthy and leading/living a healthy life, we need to consider our mental and physical health. Negative emotions can be just as valid as positive emotions. We need to recognise that, accept how we feel rather than feeling like we need to suppress them, pretend we feel OK. We need to learn to be comfortable with all our feelings so we can be a more balanced person, giving us good mental health

  3. “Hey, funny thing is we humans can make others feel these things. We sometimes wish for superpowers, but we have these powers …”

    sorry for quoting such a long piece but this really stands out in its profoundness, Devang.
    wisely said…🤍

    thank you for these wise and wonderful reminders ✨

    1. Oh yes
      We have these powers
      We can make anyone happy or sad by our actions.

      Our actions can sometimes defines other’s emotions.

  4. Really enjoyed your post. Yes, we’re all human and have our negative feelings. It’s how we deal with them that matters most, in my opinion. The problem is most of us don’t know how to deal with them and weren’t really taught how to either. I know I have no proper way of dealing with them and need a lot of guidance from my therapist.

    1. Hmmm true

      I think some things should be part of curriculum in school.
      Instead we are taught irrelevant things.
      Often people don’t know what’s wrong with them and why do they feel a certain way. There’s no proper guidance about it. Seeking a help of a therapist is now become very crucial.

      I think technology has a lot to do with many things. As we are more open to world, our own world is shrinking.

      1. So true, so much of what we should be taught isn’t even talked about in schools.

        True, in a way technology has isolated us.

      2. How are you doing my friend??

        Been a while since I bothered you last.

      3. I’m good. How have you been?

  5. I commend you, DevU, for your healthy and proactive approach to life – with food, exercise, and emotions, and your desire to help others. 👍🏻😊

    1. 😁🫣🙏🏻

      Thanks for reading dear M

      1. Of course! You’re welcome. Thank you for the share. 😊

      2. Dear Ml
        How are you doing?
        Now you sleep like a good girl, okay?
        Take care 🙏🏻

      3. I am doing fine, Dr. DevU. Thank you for asking. You take care and enjoy your day. 🌇

  6. Well, I don’t think any emotions are negative necessarily. I think that we can express anger and frustration in negative ways. Anger is a warning sign that there is something for us to examine in our lives. If we hit someone or yell rather than talking about it, that makes it negative. And I agree mental health is part of our overall health.

    1. True to that!!
      We need to examine why we are angry or nervous or anything.
      Many a times, random angers is not normal at all.

      1. I find it is not usually random. Either I haven’t realized that something is bothering me or I’ve eaten too much sugar and I get mad easily then.

      2. Ohhh
        Would be interesting to see mad you

      3. Well, I don’t know about interesting. Think of a dragon spouting flame that singes your hair off. ; )

  7. Nice write up. I Love it.
    Yes, Even on the darkest days, there’s always something to be grateful for. Take a moment each day to appreciate the good things in your life, no matter how small.

  8. I believe we need to allow ourselves to feel the whole spectrum of emotions, but not allow ourselves to wallow in the bad ones. I find the more I focus on the negative, the more negative and down I become. So, I feel it, then try to find a more positive focus to help lift myself out of it. Thanks for an enlightening read, D! 💞

    1. Can’t ignore the negative!!

      Negative is as important as positive!!

  9. I think finding the root cause of the negative feeling is key to making it stop. Good advice!

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  11. I do encouragement loose weights

    1. Oh yes

      Weight lose for some could be helpful

  12. […] a good thing done by WP recently are these prompts. Earlier, I used to think , why would I ever participate in such things, but well, these prompts […]

  13. A nicely articulated piece!

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