Daily writing prompt
What’s the most fun way to exercise?

This prompt got my attention. You can clearly understand why it interested me. Finally WP gave me something that is relevant to FGW. However, the biggest question standing in front of FGW is what to write under this.

When we think of a fun way to exercise, a person will respond with benefits of exercise. But, I’ve already done that. Or, they can tell you some exercises that you can try. Honestly, I’ve also done that.

I’ve already explored a lot about this, and it seems like I have nothing interesting to talk about. I can still use this prompt to attract some readers and I will do that right.

Identifying the most fun way to exercise

When we think about what the fun way to exercise is, different people will answer it differently. They will say, it’s cardio, its weight training, it’s CrossFit. If you ask this guy Devang, he will probably say HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training).

If you search on the internet, you will get thousands of opinions. And read closely, those are opinions. Fitness influencers will try to sell you all kinds of stuff. And, will make you believe that a particular thing is good for you.

If you go to the gym, trainers will put you under the same training programme, without asking about your likes or dislikes. People see exercise as an ice cream flavor that if one person likes, others will also like.

Seriously, have you ever thought that why Ice-cream company makes limited flavors and what if you don’t like any of them? Who decides that there should be like 20 ice cream flavors and people will definitely love them?

Sadly, we cannot decide what we want in such things, but we can surely decide what we want to do, and that’s what we should try.

First and foremost, identify what you want to do.

How to burn calories

There are multiple ways to burn calories. You can walk, run, cycle, jump, swim, laugh, sleep and all this will burn some calories. Yes, running will burn more calories than walking, but will also make you tired faster. But that doesn’t mean running is superior to walking.

Seated workout 💺 #2Our main goal is to find an activity that can get us started. If you are completely new to working out, you may want to start with walking as that’s the most basic form and something you’ve been doing, mostly. Or if you ask FGW, he can even guide you with some bed or chair exercises that can also help you burn some calories.

However, before starting exercising, you need to know the motive behind it. First, you need the will so that you can convince yourself to start.

Mostly, people desire a specific physique, and that gets them started.There are people who want to get healthy, and that gets them going. The better the purpose and motivation behind it, the more dedicated you can be to exercising.

Calorie burning should not be your primary concern, as that will start happening the minute you can commit yourself regularly.

Choosing the right exercise

Now that you have committed yourself, you need to identify what you want to do and what the fun way to exercise is. Seriously, only you can find the answer to that. The internet cannot help you. It will just fill you with doubts, and you may even start losing confidence in all of this.

I will not suggest any one thing that could be fun for you because I don’t know you. Only you know yourself, and only you can find out what’s the best fun way to exercise is .

Don’t be disappointed. As you are still reading this, I can guide you just a little bit. For that, you need to sit and close your eyes. Imagine an activity that makes you happy. Imagine an activity that you think is an exercise and that you can find time for daily.

Spoiler alert: if you think that household work is exercise and you enjoy it, then you are absolutely right. It is an exercise and you can even continue doing that. You can burn 100-300 calories doing household work like cleaning, moping, etc.

Here are some more ways to burn 100 calories.

A person wearing white pants and white socks standing beside brown broom- house cleaning can be considered as a fun way to exercise
Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com

You can add fun to it, by adding music, or make it fun by changing the style. That’s totally up to you.

Few more fun ways

Household work can be fun for some, but not everyone will like it. After a point, it starts to become boring and feels more like a punishment. People who are tired of doing the same thing can try going out. There are endless possibilities, like gardening, walking in the garden, and morning laughter sessions. These are just some ideas.

If you like a sport, why stop yourself from trying it? Some people like watching cricket, football (soccer for American readers), hockey, etc. Why not try it too?

man break dancing on hallway- Dancing can be fun way to exercise
Photo by W R on Pexels.com

If you like solo activities, why not try cycling, walking, dancing, yoga, etc.? There are so many options and there’s no one way to have fun while exercising.

Are you happy?

After a week, ask yourself if you are happy with what you are doing. If on 8th day you can commit yourself to it, then that’s your fun way to exercise.

I know many people at the gym who just come to gym and gain nothing from it. They are not even regular. When you enjoy something, you can expect benefits from it and then only you can commit to it.

So ask yourself if you are happy with what you are doing.

Important points to remember

Exercise could be fun, but there are a few things that you need to consider:

-> Know more about what you are doing, ensure safety and use the right equipments and products.

-> Learn more about your activity of choosing. Learn how to be safe and injury free.

-> Start slow.

-> Eat the right food. Good food, better results.

Hey, so we are at the end of this post. However, we haven’t identified the fun way to exercise.

Call me selfish or anything, but I’m done with this prompt. We haven’t yet found the fun way to exercise and I leave that to you. Unlike other bloggers, I actually don’t want to stick to a single thing.

In the comments, don’t be shy to tell your fun way to exercise.

Until next time, do whatever you want to do, but keep smiling.

30 responses to “Most fun way to exercise”

  1. That’s a great article on this prompt
    Well done. Informative and helpful and a great fun to read this ….

    I agree that household work can indeed be a form of exercise, and it’s great that we enjoy it. It not only helps keep your living space tidy but also allows us to burn calories and stay active …

    I don’t exercise much
    But I do walk in nature
    Love doing that.

    Thank you Devang

    1. Walking is a great form of exercise.

      I recommend you yoga and pranayam.

      Will help you in calming down.

      Btw, your favorite sport is surely boxing 🥊🤛🏻👊🏻

      1. Ha ha

        Yes boxing 🥊
        And now I’m suffering for that

  2. you do make it sound fun, Devang.
    thank you for these great shares…🤍🙏

    1. Thanks for reading ☺️

  3. All great tips and very interesting. Personally, yoga and taking walks is all I do when it comes to exercise.

    1. That’s sufficient actually

      1. Good, I like my routine for now.

      2. That’s what matters the most.

  4. Very informative and useful.

  5. You’re a motivating blogger friend, thank you for that, DevU!

    1. What’s your fun way to exercise?

      You seems to be a person who loves yoga

      1. I do love yoga and incorporate that into warm-up for dance, through a studio. I also enjoy cycling. Thanks for asking. Activities that keep us moving, healthy, and mindful.

  6. Hi Devang 🙂
    I picked some weeds recently from my yard, and my thighs felt amazing after. Housework does that too especially vacuuming and mopping.

  7. Most fun ways to exercise for me: garden, walk, swim.

    1. Ohh I know

      Gardening is your passion.

      Hey welcome back

      1. Thanks, Devang. I was outside today, clearing the stone path. It felt great to be out in the sun.

      2. Ohhh

        Don’t forget the sun screen lotion

      3. Thanks, Devang. I also like to wear a hat with a big brim when I’m gardening.

      4. I can totally imagine that 👒

  8. I keep a target in my mind and that really makes it easy for me to stay motivated

    1. Thats great

      What do you enjoy doing the most??

  9. Love this D!
    Making it fun is half the battle.
    You know, my hips are and issue but I’m feeling like something’s shifting even though I’ve been told by chiropractors and surgeons etc I need a hip replacement.
    The weird thing is I can dance, Mindfully which I LOVE. TG and do Tai Chi and Qigong 👏😂😉

    1. Well hello!

      Glad to see you here.

      Hips don’t lie. Take care and please do the needful.
      Best wishes

      1. Always good to be here, Thanks!

        Soooo true..
        Hey, there’s a song that says it..

        I’ll be adding to a post.. lol

        Thanks a lot🙏🏼💓💓

      2. Oh there’s a song on it??

        They must have copied.

        I should have copyright it at the right time.

        whenever wherever 💃🏻

  10. lots of love and respect to your writing and best wishes from

  11. I saw this prompt and wondered if you would be writing about it!

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