We have very limited days until 2023, and I thought maybe I need to look back at the things that I have been doing and if I wanted to change them. I have found some things, that I am doing right and want to continue to do in 2023 as well, and there are things that I want to change in 2023.

So let’s start with my small list:

Giving time to more health & less procrastination

I joined the gym earlier this year and here’s the reason for that⇾ Why I am joining the gym……again? I have lost some weight (which I will reveal very soon). I feel great, and I want to keep doing it. Until now, I had no physique in my mind and I just wanted to stay “able” (Grammarly is suggesting to write “Table” here), but now I want to go in a certain direction where I can use my body freely without restriction.

Those who don’t know that being fat can make you slow and restricted. You get tired easily and cannot do basic things. Our bodies are limitless, and I want to explore that limit. I haven’t reached even 40% of my potential and I want to know what else I can do.

I also wanted to stick with healthy eating. I’ve never eaten as much healthily as I’m eating for the last few months. I am enjoying that, and I want to continue doing that because it’s doing good for my physical and mental health

About procrastination, yes I have been avoiding something for some time. I thought I should start cycling again, but for some reason or other, I keep delaying it, and then I started finding excuses to avoid it. I want to change that, and I want to start doing it again. Honestly, it requires, great willpower to leave the warm quilt in the winter morning, but I know if I am able to convince myself once, I will be able to do it multiple times.

Sleeping on time every time

If you remember I’ve written a blog on How to get a Good-night sleep (read it if you haven’t). In that, I’ve mentioned that it’s crucial to sleep and wake up at the same time daily. Well, to be honest, I am not doing that, and I feel bad about it. I have adopted a bad habit of checking my phone before sleeping and spending unnecessary time on Instagram and texting.

Generally, I want to sleep at 10 pm and wake up at 5 am, but I am not doing that, and I feel bad about it. Luckily, my sleep hasn’t been affected yet, but I know if I keep doing it, it will affect the quality of my sleep. As mentioned above that it’s hard to leave a warm quilt in cold winters, but I need to wake up at a pertinent time and give that time to the me-time.

Me-time brings me to the next point.

Prioritizing Me-time

I think this is something most of us ignore, but trust me it does wonders for mental health. There’s no proper definition of “Me-time”. If you check on the internet it will give you ideas on what you should do for me-time. But, tell me how does the internet know what I want to do? I have come across several posts which tell you should this, you should do that to have a productive me time. But, no one has the right to decide what I wanted to do.

I thought to write a blog about Me-time, but then I dropped that idea. Because no one needs to be told what they want or don’t want to do. If I talk about myself, then I love reading books, I love watching content on Netflix and I love blogging. That’s just what I want to do, and in 2023 I want to continue doing that.

Discover more topics| Research more| Write more

Recently, I have written The 100th Blog, and It felt great, and I want to continue doing that. I love the thrill to write a blog, researching for it, making images for it, and then replying to wonderful comments from precious community members. I want to continue doing that.

This year, I have written 2 blogs for my most favorite blogger -> WAYS THAT CAN HELP YOU MANAGE STRESS; HEALTHY HABITS FOR A HEALTHY LIFE, and I want to keep writing like that. The interaction is heavy on her site and I love that, and I hope someday I get the same amount of interaction, but even then, I want to write further for my favorite blogger. I have also written a blog for another site about avocados. There are 2 more blogs written by me, but I regret them because those blogs were heavily altered.

I want to explore other styles where I can write for my other favorites, although no one asked me and I don’t have the courage to ask them either, but someday yeah.

Some fantastic bloggers have written blogs for me and I really appreciate that, and I desire to keep working with such fantastic talents.

Check out the amazing work of some ultra-talented writers ⇉

Polycystic Ovarian Disease(PCOD)

PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome)

<strong>Amenorrhoea & Menorrhoea: A Strange Condition of No-Periods and Long periods in women!</strong>

5 Healthy lifestyle changes for mental health

Stay genuine| Try to make fewer friends

I tried to stay genuine, and I am somewhat successful in doing that. I have earned the trust of many people and made some good friends outside WP and LinkedIn. But, now I want to stop doing that. No, I didn’t mean that I want to stop being genuine, but I want to stop making friends. When we make friends, we expect some things from them, and when we don’t get the same energy and appreciation from them, we feel bad (At least I do).

There are many people with whom I converse outside WP and LinkedIn, but sometimes I feel lonely even after making so many friends. I try to find that special someone with whom I can share my feelings, but happily (because there’s nothing to be sad about this) I haven’t been able to do that yet. I still have that void, which I don’t know how to address. But, one thing my inner voice keeps telling me is: “Stop making any new friends, it’s a phase, you’ll be alright”.

In the end

I think I want to do (and not do) these things in 2023. In the comment section share things that you want to do in the coming year. Share things that you did this year and if you are happy or not so happy about it.

Don’t just go by dropping a like, because I love comments.

Stay tuned as the longest blog written by me (yet) will be the next. Till then You SHINE.

76 responses to “Things I want to do in 2023”

  1. Hope you had a wonderful look back and awaiting for a new year with lots of preparations😊

    1. Thanks! Have a peaceful time ahead

      1. My pleasure

  2. Well done on the healthy eating a I know the curse of the warm bed well. Takes quite a lot of motivation to hop on the bike when cold out. Like you say practising good habits becomes habit forming which can help you regularly or at least more regularly stick to a routine. I hope you continue to progress, which requires those tough and easy days and I wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year 🙂

    1. Hey thanks!!
      Yes it requires great efforts, trying hard.
      Merry Christmas and happy new year.

  3. Yeah, even I’m one of those few people who believe in having a closely knit friend circle consisting of a few people.
    As for my New year resolutions, I have to plan that out

    1. I will wait for your new year plans. If you are willing to share on Wp.

      1. Yes, I will as soon as I make one.

      2. That’s great!

  4. Thanks for sharing your plans for the new year, Devang. I’m sure you will produce more high quality posts and meet more like minded bloggers. 🙂 It’s been a good year.

    1. Yes, I would love to connect to more bloggers.
      I’m not reading work on any one else other than those I’m following, need to give some time to it.

      1. It can be time-consuming, but can be rewarding

      2. Actually, recently I don’t know what happened, but I am not reading much work of others and lacking. Now, I will give prodigious time to others, including you. ☺️

  5. These are great goals for the New Year. I too want to start exercising more. I have a treadmill which I neglected and should really start using it again. Honestly I just want my pre-pregnancy body back!

    1. You need to think why you want to do this
      And you also need to think how you’ll be different if you were in different shape.
      That will act as motivation for you .

      1. I remember exactly what it was like to be a specific weight and size. I remember it clearly. It’s not a fantasy but rather something I know I can achieve with enough effort and discipline.

      2. Ohhh yeah 🤩
        And start doing it today
        Start doing it now itself.
        Change your diet a little bit, add walk here and there.
        And you’ll be back to your desired shape before you even know.
        Rn, you enjoy your sunday evening.

      3. Confession: I ate an entire [stale] gingerbread house within 2 days. But I skipped 5 meals so caloric intake wasn’t significantly disproportionate. I’ve lost weight before and can do it again – my issue is junk food. It finds its way into our house and it needs to go.

        I can’t go for walks where I live and I know this sounds like an excuse because it is, but it’s so cold that it’s more of a safety concern going outside. Today it’s -26°C and tomorrow it’s going to be -33°C with an extreme cold warning.

      4. Just a suggestion, Hilary, but how about walking indoors ? Sometimes ill play ‘walking’ music and walk on the spot in the house

      5. That’s a great suggestion, Brenda! I actually have a treadmill which I bought earlier last year. For a while I was using it until it got too cold in our basement. Now I hardly want to go down to the basement d/t to the cold. I keep telling myself that if I use the treadmill, I’ll warm up. 😅 I don’t want to be the person to buy equipment but then never, ever use it lol

      6. Yes, you can actually include little workout at home itself. You need to avoid junk food as well, thinking about how bad it could be for your health in a long run.

      7. I plan on using the treadmill again. My husband offered to get me a gym membership and I said no. I know I wouldn’t use it because I don’t leave the house often enough.

        As for quitting junk food, it’s so hard. If it’s in the house I eat it. I might document this journey in the new year! 🙌

      8. Why wait for new year, start today.
        Junk food could be a real trouble.
        You can atleast limit the quantity. 😁

      9. No point starting now because lots of junk food/unhealthy food here. Maybe after Christmas I’ll start. My husband buys a lot of junk food for our daughter but he’s not completely to blame. I’m equally guilty of this too. Our daughter is a twig – she’s so skinny.

      10. Well junk food isn’t helping anyone dear friend.
        Especially young kids, it could harm their health. You do what you feel right 😊
        Take care, have a peaceful time ahead.

      11. I try to buy healthy food. Not pointing fingers but my husband buys more junk food than I do. I’ll be making things from scratch once Christmas is over.

  6. Good luck with all of these and I am looking forward to receiving some more guest posts from you this coming year 🤗

    1. Honestly, I need to prepare from 1 month prior to actually write a blog for LIFESFINEWHINE 🤪. When I think of some topic and I feel it’s something good to be shared on your wonderful site, then I approach you. I’ve come across 2 such topics recently, will work on them.
      Do you also have ideal word limit? As longer blogs are good from SEO perspective. 🙌🏻

      1. I have a 300 word minimum and 2000 word maximum. I look forward to getting more guest posts from you 😊

      2. Fascinating, 300 is too less, 2k is too much. So yeah, a great balance. I’ve come across something and I feel I want to write on that topic. Will soon write something then 🌞💯

      3. I look forward to it 😬

  7. I think you’re on a good track! Keep going! Bravo!

    1. Thank you 😀🐢🌟

  8. A round up post, interesting!
    I need to note down points like these, for myself.
    Cheers to you on your healthy eating.
    Congratulations on what you’ve achieved this year and good luck for upcoming endeavours, my friend.
    I’ve never hosted any guest blogs, I wonder if you want to write one for me😁

    1. Hey thanks V!
      I can write something if you suggest a topic.
      I would love to write a health blog or something near that. 😃
      You should let people know if you want a guest blog 🤪

      1. I’ll think of something or else you can do it as per your own ideas.

        Yes, I’ll take care of it now😛

      2. Let’s discuss it further. Writing a blog for someone is a big thing. Need to feel the connection with the blog. I would love to write something someday.

      3. Looking forward!

  9. Thanks for sharing your goals. I want to try your goal of going to sleep on time each day. Sometimes I tend to work up until bedtime because I enjoy my work.

    1. You enjoy your work, that’s good. Everyone should be like that. But, yes if you sleep on time, it will give a quality sleep and help you work even more efficiently.

      1. 😁🌟
        You shine Okay?

  10. Good tips and points. I plan on publishing at least one book in 2023 and start eating healthier.

    1. I would love to read that book.
      Best wishes 😃

  11. It’s good to hear all your plans for 2023, things you want to change from 2022 and new things you want to incorporate into the months of 2023. I admire your determination. It’s difficult for me to pinpoint what I want to change in 2023 right now. I’m feeling very unsettled with my current therapy ending and then having the long wait for someone new. I think the best I’ll be able to do in that time is to look after myself (I’ve been overeating lately – comfort eating, I think). I do want to try and get my sleep into a better routine. Like you, my intention is good, but then, I find myself scrolling through my phone the last thing before I turn the light out. I must be stricter with myself and put my phone down for half an hour before I get into bed. I think it’s good to have friends, but genuine ones. I have one best friend and a few good friends, and outside of that, there are some acquaintances with whom I have less contact. I’m also fortunate to have some blogging friends who are wonderfully supportive of me, especially at the moment. Thanks for being one of my friends, Devang. I wish you a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

    1. I know your 2023 will be better than this year. I believe it. I understand there’s too many things going on in your mind. I hope you get some peace. Don’t think about future. There’s good stuff written for you.
      Try to put away phone and maybe you can write something in a notebook, that way you won’t be using phone or screen of any kind.
      I adore our friendship, though we never get a chance to talk to you outside wp, but I appreciate your time here. You are always kind to me.
      I wish you happy time ahead. 😃

  12. From reading your list of things, you want to do in 2023 it sounds like you have some good plans.

    One of my things I want to do is also sleep more and sleep more regularly. That’s a big one for me.

    I also struggle in the mornings. I have to set my alarm for 5:00 a.m. to go to work and it has never gotten any easier!

    What does make it easier is going to bed earlier.

    Congratulations on your health journey and your success in blogging. I am excited for your success in these and any other areas of your life.

    I want to eat more healthy in 2023. And I also want to explore different platforms to share my message in 2023.
    Looking forward to continuing reading your blogs in 2023 and have a happy and blessed new year!

    1. Hey thanks!!
      I’ve noticed that, when I sleep on time, I’m able to get up easily on time at morning. Using phone late at night, could make me feel drained in the morning. I’m thinking to completely cut of phone at night by 9 pm, as it did wonders for me before.
      It would be great if you can share your message on Instagram and LinkedIn. People will love there as well. 🎄🧁

      1. Hey that sounds like a great idea and it’s an idea I have heard before not to use phone or Internet before bed. Something about the blue light or something.

        Exactly, when I go to bed early enough I can get up easily as well. It’s just that I almost never go to bed on time. I do have a LinkedIn account, but have not been utilizing it, so that’s a good reminder to possibly do so for my blog posts. Although I never really took Instagram very seriously, I will look into Instagram too. Thank you.

      2. Let me know how it goes

  13. Keep shining ahead Devang! 2023 coming!

  14. Your goals are high, but well within your means. You have also talked about me- time that is essential for everybody. All the best wishes!

    1. Thank you so much sir 🙇🏻‍♂️

  15. Sounds like you have a good approach. Reflecting on the past year to evaluate how you got on, what worked/didn’t work before deciding your goals going forward. I also think you have some really solid goals that, to me, will complement each other.

    I’m still deciding where I want to focus next year but I do want to continue working on maintaining a better work-life balance, I want to improve my quality of life – lifestyle, eating and exercise habits and lastly, I plan to continue working on my blog, so it continues to grow

    1. Well that would be great.
      Little by little you can improve your lifestyle, eating habits and exercise.
      Keep growing

  16. You’re on a roll!
    Good for you Devang!!!❤️

    1. Thanks
      Just trying ☺️

  17. All the best for practicing a healthy lifestyle. Nice post again.

    1. Thanks a lot sir ☀️

  18. You worked on some great goals for 2022! I like how you are prioritizing health and fitness. That’s one area of my life that I need to address. It takes one small step to be more active but when I’m done with my household chores, homeschooling, and other things that moms do, the last thing I want to do is work out. But I do like to stretch and do low impact workout…I should keep to it!!!
    Take care and happy new year!

    1. Yes you should definitely keep that up.
      You can even find some activities that you can do while doing house hold chores and being a mom 😃.
      Hey,this is your official first comment on my site,I hope it’s not the last 🌟
      Keep shining

      1. Oh wow! That’s awesome to be official first comment. 🙂
        I’m definitely sticking to burning some calories while I do housework. Why not?? It doesn’t take much effort but to stay conscious that I need to be more active.

      2. I’ve a blog about how to find workout when we are super busy. I’ll share it with you someday. Have a peaceful time ahead 😀

      3. Yes, please share it. Take care!

  19. That para (There are many people ………..” you’ll be alright”) is so relatable to me in this phase of my life. I’m an introvert (as I’ve mentioned in my last blog) so it’s quite obvious that i don’t make many friends but since past few months I’ve even started to avoid the fake people and that left me with just one friend lol!
    But I’m happy about that and would like to continue doing that, this year too.
    Great post💕

    1. Thanks for sharing that
      Now you have one true friend.
      I would read your blog soon and will interact positively.

      1. That’s my pleasure 😌✨️

  20. I want to make more art using diverse techniques and also do more business with art, i.e. start selling in new spots and teach more art classes locally. This gives me peace of mind and a bit of cash ha-ha

    1. Well I wish you get what you wanted to do.
      I would love to see your art.
      Or maybe I missed them? 🤔
      I’ve read only 1 blog of yours. Need to spend some specific time on your site. 🙂

      1. I will definitely post more

      2. I would love to see them.
        Please don’t mind the notifications.

      3. My comments on your posts are going in spam.
        Please check

      4. They should be approved by now

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