FGW always tell you to exercise, but do you listen? Maybe not. Well, today I’ve brought you 5 reasons why you should exercise. These are based on scientific facts, and finally you will realize why you should be exercising instead of reading this amazing post of mine.

So, don’t waste time, wear your shoes, stretch a bit, as I’m about to give reasons to exercise and just after that get moving.

Avoid late night workout. Empty stomach should also be avoided. Workout after dinner or lunch is a strict no-no.

Exercise makes you strong

Regular exercise makes you stronger. When you regularly exercise, you are training your muscles, you are putting stress on it and in results it is making you stronger.

No matter what kind of workout you do, whether it is cycling, resistance band exercise, body weight training (or cardio), lifting weights, calisthenics, sports or just a normal walk, you are gaining strength from it day by day.

However, the simple rule is you need to be regular with it. You cannot expect to become stronger within 10 days or a month. I mean, you won’t get strength to lift heavy stuff immediately, but with time you will feel higher endurance. You will feel that with time you are able to do more.

woman preparing for climbing high on wall

For testing your strength or endurance, you can try setting up a benchmark, like go for a walk and see how much time it takes you to reach a certain point, now maybe try going faster next time and check if you are tired with that pace or not. Over the time, with such tests, you will experience that you are more comfortable to do that, and you are not getting tired easily. But, this is just an example, there are multiple ways by which you can check your strength or endurance.

Exercise improves mood

Several studies have shown that exercise does improve mood. Regular exercise is associated with reduction of stress hormones like cortisol and release of endorphins, which acts as natural mood lifter.

Regular exercise also regulates the level of various neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, etc. These neurotransmitters play key roles in mood regulation, and imbalances that have been linked to mood disorders.

woman holding a smiley balloon

Then also, exercise improves quality of sleep. Activities like Yoga, tai chi or even stretching, helps body relax and makes mind calm. That overall leads to stress reduction.

Exercise improves immunity

Exercise improves immunity. Now, some people may ask what the hell is immunity. I mean, people have heard of it, but don’t know how it increases and how it affects life.

In simple words, immunity means the body’s ability to resist or defend against potentially harmful microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi, etc. If you don’t do anything, your body will not have this ability, and you may get sick easily.

The relationship of exercise and immunity is a bit complex, it has various layers, and it’s not like you start exercising today and your immunity will spike up tomorrow. However, with regular workout will improve sleep quality, help in maintaining healthy weight, reduce inflammation, etc.

So, one way or another, if you want your body to stay healthy, you need to start moving your body today.

Exercise keeps your body healthy

If we now talk about invisible benefits, then exercise helps your internal organs and keeps you healthy overall. Like regular exercise, reduces bad cholesterol, maintains blood pressure, maintains healthy levels of sugar levels, etc.

Exercise makes healthy -man practicing yoga

Not only that, regular exercise, helps in a good heart health, brain health, liver, lungs and what not. I can keep giving names of organs that get benefitted with regular exercise and this post will never end.

Exercise increases self-confidence

The simple thing is, when you start something new and if you see positive results, you become happy. Now, next time you do it and if you see more positive results, you will become even much happier. This also applies to if you rob a bank and if it’s a success, you become more confident to rob another bank next time.

When you will see all the above-mentioned benefits on your body, you will gain more confidence about your body. I can give my example, I was once 105 kg, I was not much confident about myself. I used to avoid going in public, I was not confident about wearing the clothes I desired. But now, at 78 kg, that’s not the case. I now like buying new clothes, I now like going to new places, and now I am more confident.

FGW standing near fatehsagar

Regular exercise, also improves posture. It can even improve the way you walk, the way you carry yourself. When people will say, Hey!! You look fit, you will for sure feel great. A person who work out is easily more confident than the person who doesn’t.

Regular exercise makes you capable. I know many people in their 60s, 70s, they are much more capable, reason? They work out, even if it’s just a regular morning walk or swimming or something simplistic.

With regular exercise, you become more efficient than people at your age or younger than you. I always try to compete with people younger than me, and when I experience that I’m still capable of doing that thing, I feel great.

Things to remember before starting exercise

I wonder if you are convinced or not about starting exercise, but let me tell you something. It will not be going to be simple. You will face hurdles like mood fluctuation, body restriction, time constrain and god knows what else. But, that doesn’t mean that you should quit.

This may sound like a motivation, but it isn’t. I want to talk about things that you need to keep in mind before starting anything.

  • First, consult to a doctor. Get blood tested, know about your body. Then talk to a doctor about what you can do.
  • If you are completely new to exercising thing, talk to a certified trainer. I am not telling you to join a gym, but talk to an expert who can help you make a program that you can follow safely.
  • You may need good and comfortable clothing. Invest in that. You can easily find online about clothes that are good for workout.
  • Choose an activity, that is not too hard for you in the beginning. You cannot expect yourself to climb the Everest on your first day. Start from the base.
  • It is crucial to stretch your body. That prepares your body. Even before a walk, prepare your body with some dynamic stretching.
  • Eat healthy, a healthy diet is must. No matter how much you workout, without a healthy and balanced diet, you cannot get results.
  • Don’t compare yourself with others. I do this all the time, because I always try to compete, but it’s not necessary that everyone should do it. Remember, every “body” is unique.


I wonder if you still need a conclusion to this blog post. I gave 5 reason why you should exercise. But may or may not need any reason. Do it for yourself, do it for your body.

If you are someone younger than 28 than remember 2 things, what you are doing today, your body will thank you tomorrow. And, I am coming to compete with you. If you are someone older than 30, then now is the perfect time to start keeping your body younger and energetic forever.

In the comments, don’t be shy to share your experience, challenges or struggles related to exercise with FGW.

And, until next time, KEEP SMILING.

60 responses to “5 reasons why you should exercise”

  1. I’ve experienced all these benefits of regular walking.

    1. Great!
      Keep it up 😀

      1. Thanks 🙏🏼🥰

  2. Really great post. I don’t exercise much but try to stay active my walking and doing yoga. I think every little thing counts and the most important thing is to keep your body moving throughout the day.

    1. I wonder how you stay pretty even without exercise.
      It’s the food 😝

      Yoga and walking are great exercises actually.
      Yoga is helping you to calm down, and it is helpful towards your lungs and internal organ. A blogger like you need such calming thing 😀

      Keep doing what you are doing, as what you are doing is perfect already 🤜🏻

      1. Thanks so much. Haha of course, what we put into our body determines how we look. A lot of foods have anti-aging properties and are good for your skin. And yeah, yoga is actually pretty difficult and it’s a good calming exercise 😊

      2. Hmmm 🙂


        I will make a list on foods that has anti ageing properties.
        Yoga could be fun. It always relaxed my body

      3. Good idea, I look forward to that post.

  3. It was a good inspiring post.. Thanks for sharing Devang 💕💕

    1. Thanks for reading 😁

  4. Absolutely, yes! Many options to choose from, to keep the body moving. Have a great week, DevU!

    1. Ohhh yeah
      Like dancing in your case dear Mlee.

      You too, keep shining and enjoy your week

      1. Yes, that is one option. 😊 A delightful one! 🥰 Thank you and nice photo of you, DevU. I think that is you?

      2. After a year you still not sure if that’s me or not? 😝

        Yes, that’s me.
        I’m standing infront of a lake in my city

      3. Ha! Making sure… you might have a twin. 🧑‍🤝‍🧑
        Very nice photo and lake!

      4. There’s only one me!!
        Exclusive and special

        My city has 7 lakes.
        Have you heard of Udaipur?

      5. Only one. Phew! 😅

        Udaipur sounds familiar so I must have.

      6. 🥹

        Visit some day 🙏🏻

      7. Don’t go crying! You’re uniquely you! Enjoy your evening. 🌃

  5. Great post! Wonderful photo, too! As an adult lady over, um…let’s say…30, I developed a bad habit of drinking a glass of wine on evenings spend alone. It seemed to help me forgive myself for past mistakes, it tasted good, and it made the time pass. Bad idea that soon became a bad habit! I tried to quit, of course, with middling success, but the thing that has worked the best for me is…guess what? Exercise. I started a job that involves a lot of walking (several miles while at work if you count the steps) and then a nice mile-long walk to the bus, and another mile back. It’s anywhere from 5-7 miles of brisk walking a day, and since I started, I haven’t wanted a drink. It just proves that this body and probably every other human body is wired for movement, not sitting, and functions better and is happier with a fairly good amount of daily exercise. Oddly, the mile goes very quickly and you hardly notice it once you get used to it. Thanks for this post – I’m not sure if it’s possible for people who aren’t on WordPress to read WP blogs, but if it were, I’d share with several friends to encourage them!

    1. That’s fantastic

      I’m glad to read that.

      Walking is something simple, requires no training and super effective.
      I like how you are able to add it to your schedule without any disturbance.

      I also use walking to burn extra calories and activeness.
      I found a washroom far from office, so that means 10 mins of walking everytime.

      Thanks a lot for your comment. You can share it, but clicking on the website and there you can get link.
      However, this post is not that special. I mean, it’s just something based on personal experience and some researches.

      Thanks again.
      Keep moving 🚶🏻‍♀️

      1. Thanks for the hint about clicking on the website to get a link. I think the fact that it’s based on personal experience while remaining well-informed about the facts is why I like the post! : )

      2. That’s what I try with my blog posts.

        Lot of things are based on what I believe rather than copying from internet.

        However it’s all are science backed

      3. Yes, yes, and yes! Blogging at its best has these qualities.

    1. Ohhh healthieyoo is here 😍

  6. a great share as always, Devang.
    motivating too. 👌

    1. Thanks for reading and appreciating

      1. most welcome 🤍🌹

  7. All valid reasons for exercise. Thanks for sharing .

    1. Thanks for reading

  8. A wonderful post. whatever floats your boat, just keep moving alrighty! Happy moving D❣️

    1. Happy Tai chi CiGe

      1. Chi tea.. too please❣️😂

      2. that works.. TY❣️

  9. Yes, I have experienced all those five benefits. Thanks for reminding!

  10. Eagle and I have been sick this week. Finally was able to get out to walk with my neighbor today. Cheers.

    1. Take care

      Hope eagle 🦅 recovers well.
      Best wishes

      1. Thanks, Devang. I sent on your well wishes and they were cheered up.

  11. Very comprehensive read 👍

    1. Your first official comment!

      Thanks for commenting 🙂

  12. Hello ….
    I see Devang as uniquely handsome and charming. You almost look like my son. Though my son wears a beard 🧔 Ha ha …. I ask him to shave it off but he says it gives him a confident look and he carry himself well …. I don’t understand that at all 🧐

    What’s the name of the lake that we see on your picture.

    Well, it’s a wonderful and inspirational blog post about motivating and inspiring people to exercise. I’m sure that you’re truly a favourite health blogger to some. And I think I’ll get different section in your website for every part of human organ from and we’ll get to know the nutrients, care, and treatment that we need to take care of our overall health ….

    And about the exercises – I don’t do exercises much, but I do move a lot and I go for walking that I enjoy specially when it’s morning time and in midst of nature ….

    Loved that lines in the conclusion part …
    ‘Do it for yourself, do it for your body.’

    Yes, after all we have to live in our body as long as we breathe …. 🧘

    1. How old is your son ? 😲

      The lake is fateh Sagar

      I’ll try to make a section with different body parts and section.

      Moving a lot and walking is a great exercise.

      Take care

      1. My son is younger than you 😀
        But often people mistake him as an adult man of around thirty years old. I think it’s because he keeps the beard on his face🧔 Ha ha

        I wish to visit Rajasthan – Udaipur, Jodhpur, Jaipur, Jaisalmer – all these places

        Well, it’ll be great if you can make the section for each organ of our body with another section for mental issues (may be)

        All the best to you Devang.
        Sending lots of positive vibes to your way ✨

      2. Nah sounds older than me! 😛

        Soon you’ll be granny🤶🏻

        Udaipur is close to jodhpur like 260 km
        Jaipur is bit further, 400 km
        Jaisalmer is to opposite end of State 500 km

        I would like to work on mental health again, a bit typical issue 😶‍🌫️

        Sending you lots of love and positive vibes 💝🌟

      3. Ha ha
        Okay no problem …. Whatever sounds best for you …

        Yes, granny, I wish to be, inshaAllah

        So, people visit Delhi, Agra and mostly Jaipur when they travel this part of India …

        I went to Jaipur long ago …. We visited Calcutta, Delhi, Agra, Jaipur and Azmi Sharif in Azmer …. It was a pleasant trip with my parents and siblings. And I loved the train journey.

        Mental health issue- typical yet very important.

        Anyways, thank you for sending positive energy. 🙏

      4. Next time you come go Jaipur or something

        Let me know, would like to meet, if you like.

        Take care

      5. Of course
        you must meet with a granny 👵

        Ha ha

        But hey Devang, I haven’t forgotten that you would invite me on your wedding. I’ve a wish to attend a wedding in India since I’ve so many Indian friends. But yes, if that’s not possible, we can always meet if I visit the country, Jaipur, Udaipur, Agra or I can visit your place as a ghost. 👻 I’m good at surprising people.

        You never know
        May be one day you’ll be going somewhere and you may see me in front of you. And I will say, Hello Devang, nice to meet you. Namaste. Salam and you’ll be like, ‘Who are you?’


      6. You have friends in india but they don’t invite you to wedding, why is that. 😛

        If we meet suddenly, I might not recognise you yeah.

        Udaipur is must see city if you are coming to India.
        Very different than delhi, agre, jaipur, jodhpur etc.

  13. Great post, Devang! So nice to see a photo of you.

  14. wonderful and really detailed sharing, Devang! I am doing great ( thanks for asking in another blog ). How is everything with you? I hope you are enjoying a delightful holiday season! 🥳🎄

    1. Take care dear friend!

      Best wishes

      Happy holidays

  15. During decent weather, on the days I take 5 minutes to walk outside with the dogs after lunch, nothing strenuous, just a stroll…I find my afternoon flows so much better. Solutions come easier, inspiration appears from no where….and I’m energized for the rest of the day. Simply by taking a stroll.

    1. See
      Best and effective workout

      Keep doing and enjoying it

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